you will gain weight, it's that simple.

There are two keys to losing weight, lowering your calorie intake and exercising frequently. With the right combination of the two you can easily meet your weight loss goals.

To effectively lose weight quickly you have to understand how your current diet affects your weight, and how burning calories will significantly reduce your weight. The science of weight loss is basically common sense. If you eat a lot of fatty food and don't exercise at all, you will gain weight, it's that simple.

Eating lots of fatty foods combined with not exercising leads to more weight. Even if you don't eat more food then you normally would, if you have a bad diet you will pack on the pounds non-stop. So the first step in losing weight is to change up your diet. You can still eat junk foods and foods high in calories from time to time but they shouldn't encompass your whole diet. A well balanced diet is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

If notice I said change up your diet but don't completely eliminate the foods you enjoy from it. A lot of times when people decide to lose weight they go on crash diets and even though they might lose their desired weight, crash diets simple don't work. And in the long run they can't keep the weight off for long periods of time and eventually gain more weight. It's not realistic to think that anybody is going to give up the foods they enjoy for the remainder of there life.

Once you get your diet under control you'll stop gaining weight
Par photo1104 le mardi 26 juillet 2011


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